12 Types of Students In Every Institution

Just like in a society where we have different kinds of individuals, it’s the same in institutions. We have different types of students that react to happenings around the campus differently. You can easily point out the category a student belongs to with the words they say or their actions. Some students are all-rounders in this instance because their reactions depend on their mood. Why don’t you sit back and enjoy this ride with me?

1. The No-Nonsense

Students that belong to this category do not tolerate anything from anybody even their lecturers. Once they believe they are right, they’d stand to prove their points to their last breath. I’m sure you are already thinking of your coursemates who fit in this category. Their slogan is; “We take no bullsh*t whatsoever from whoever”.

2. The Love Birds

These ones are always in pairs, female and male. They go around the campus showing off their love life and feeding PDA to whom it may concern. They might even get the Couple Of The Year award. Almost every department has the type of students. Love lives here is their slogan. They make other students realize that love is beautiful.

3. The Foodie

They are always seen eating or drinking something, even in class their mouth never stops moving. They are always hungry, always buying food and eating. These students can eat anywhere and anything. Students like this are found on every occasion where food is concerned. Well as far as they are concerned, food is bae.

4. The smart heads

The ones with an IQ of 200 and above, these ones that will always pass excellently no matter what the lecturers set, no matter the circumstances. They had made you question God if you had a brain of a fish. Some of them might even be party ani*ls but still bypass the ever-reading one. “It is what it is”, they say but pass no matter what.

5. The Nerds

Anywhere you see them, it’s with their glasses, even on their way to the bathroom (sighs). Now, they are divided into two;

  • The ones with beautiful frames
  • The ones with ugly frames

The first set can hardly pass as a nerd because their frames are always looking lovely but the second set, ugggh, don’t get me started. Seeing clearly is the goal.

6. The ever-serious

Haaaa, smiling and these students are enemies. It’s hard to guess when they are happy because their face is always up, you can’t even do anything silly near them, you fit chop slap. Kala, daju, lejupa is all they know.

7. The Bookworms

Students like this are known as library major or reading room major because if they are not reading, they are reading. Learning is the goal when it comes to the ever-reading students. All they know is read and nothing more.

8. The playful

If they are not playing, they are playing. They are the jovial ones, they light up the class and make everyone happy because they can’t stand a dull environment. They go around with good vibes and positive energy. No dull moment is their slogan.

9. Life of the party

These students if not found in school will be found partying. Some attend every party on campus and off-campus whether they are invited or not. They attend parties, make it more likely and they surely will leave their impression. Parte after parte is their motto.

10. The Lambs

They are the ever gentle ones who stay in their lane and don’t like troubles. Students like this stay far away from trouble. Even if trouble is brought to their front door, they will still find a way around it. They are well-behaved, courteous and peaceful. Peace is life is the motto of these ones.

11. Gossipers

In them, we have BBC, CNN, NTA and every other news station you can think of. They have premium gist, hot gist, latest gist and every other living gist. If you need any type of information just hit them up and they’ll supply the replies. These students are good at what they do, they carry information around unapologetically.

12. The Cheating Machines

Eni to ba mo we, lo mo way meaning He who knows way knows book. They will always cheat. In the exam hall, test hall, assignments and what have you. They don’t believe in themselves. Some will even read but still yet believe they can’t do better.

If you can relate, I’m expecting you in the comments section. Do you feel I left out any type of students? Yes, give your answers in the comments section.