Top 5 Lessons To Learn From “Jagun Jagun” Movie

Jagun Jagun is a popular Yoruba film on Netflix that follows Gbotija’s journey to become a great warrior in an elite army. Where he faces the warlord Ogundiji.

Moreover, beyond the role of the advancement of Nigerian cinema and showcasing Yoruba culture, the movie has some insightful lessons we can learn.

Let’s dive into the top 5 lessons we can learn from this movie:

1.    Great Power Comes With Great Sacrifices

In the movie, we can see how men gave up their lives to become Ogundiji’s warriors, how his wife also sacrificed her womb for powers and the sacrifice of Kitan, Ogundiji’s adopted daughter for the powerful demon assassin, Ajemo. It shows that for you to achieve that greatness, there are a lot of sacrifices you need to make. Like the common saying “No pain, No gain.”

2.    Always Stay Humble

There is an end to all things, irrespective of how great or strong they grow, even powers. We can see that in the death of Ogundiji, the great warrior. No matter what you have accomplished on earth at your age, always stay humble if you want to be exalted.

3.    Power Attract Power

You could see this in the love of Gbotija & Kitan, if you want a powerful spouse, you need to also build yourself to be powerful. The kind of power you have attracts the people that will surround you.

4.    Your Intention is Powerful

Intention is a powerful creative force, when you have a strong purposeful desire and emotional intensity you can achieve anything. Gbotija shows powerful intention in his burning desire to be a great warrior and take revenge for his village. You can accomplish anything if you have a purposeful desire and goals.

5.    Power of Collaboration

Gbotija saved Ogundidji’s wife’s life. At the end of the movie, the wife also helps him to kill Ogundiji, which brings liberation to the camp and the entire village. This shows that there is power in collaboration. Through collaboration, the problem becomes easier. You need to erase the mindset of loneliness if you want to solve problems easily.

Overall, these are the amazing lessons you can learn after watching the movie Jagun Jagun. What lessons do you also learn that I haven’t mentioned? Drop it now in the comment section!

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