Gratitude: The Secret to Effective Stress and Anxiety Management

Gratitude is an intentional act of appreciation to someone or a thing achieved by deep introspection and hope not necessarily linked to a favourable act or experience. Scientists over the years have found links between healthy habits that encourage long living and a deep sense of gratitude compared to gloominess. 

Nowadays, people often blur the lines between being realistic from a point of view of regret to gratitude but there’s a big difference. 

Real Gratitude Vs Counterfeit Gratitude

Gratitude looks like this: Although I didn’t get it, I am grateful that I signed up for the job. 

Gratitude doesn’t look like: I went through a lot to get to the venue for the interview but It’s all gone now. The first expression shows a beam of hope of gaining something through the experience while the other focuses on what didn’t work out.

One of the major ways you can protect your mental health is to practise the art of gratitude. Here are some of its major benefits:

1. Better Focus and Perspective

Gratitude encourages you to shift your focus from what you lack or fear to what you have and appreciate. This mental shift can help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, as you’re less preoccupied with negative thoughts throughout the day.

Practising the art of gratitude helps to shift your perspective from how you view the world and people around you. When you take out time to sincerely appreciate the things that are working out for you or around you, you’re more likely  to think faster and better on how to solve the problems you have or delegate to others who can.

2. Increased Positivity and Resilience

Regular practice of gratitude helps you to be more positive about life generally. Stress and anxiety are often fueled by overthinking and negative intrusive thoughts. However, gratitude can help you build inner resilience and confidence to move past any life’s struggle and handle challenges more effectively. 

When you’re grateful for the lessons your challenges have taught you, you are better equipped to face even more daring challenges with a mindset of victory in the future.

3. Overall Stress Reduction

Gratitude triggers the release of feel-good hormones like dopamine and serotonin, which can have a calming effect on the nervous system, reducing stress levels. Some habits you can begin on your journey to drastically reduce your daily stress levels are spending time in nature, taking time to reflect on positive moments, journaling, travelling, working out, healthy eating, reading, etc. 

4. Mindfulness, Healthy Habits and Personal Growth

Gratitude encourages you to be present and mindful of the positive aspects of your daily life. Mindfulness itself is an effective stress and anxiety management technique. Practising gratitude is a holistic approach to well-being, including exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep, all of which contribute to personal growth and  stress and anxiety management.

5. Improved Sleep Quality

Stress is the major cause of Insomnia in some individuals. Practising gratitude can help you relax, dissipate worries, get rid of negative thoughts and emotions and improve the quality of your sleep at night time. Gratitude can also reduce your chances of having nightmares throughout the night. 

6. Better relationships

A simple “thank you” or “nice to meet you, too” can be the bedrock of a promising relationship. If you’re struggling with keeping friends, you might want to try incorporating gratitude into your approach with people. It can also be a mode of starting a great conversation with your friends, family, or stranger. Nobody says Nay to “I’m glad I met you.”

In a Wrap,

Gratitude can serve as a healthy coping strategy. When you’re faced with stress or anxiety, consciously focus on what you’re grateful for to regain your composure and positive perspective about the situation.