This is One Secret Lecturers have Kept from Students for Ages

Are you a university student or you’re an aspirant looking forward to getting admitted into a tertiary institution, especially in Nigeria? This is news you definitely don’t want to miss out on. As you already know, the tertiary institution is different from every other schooling environment and this is not just about the buildings.

From the certificate sought, the division into specific schools or faculties and departments, the body of governance, and the privacy and freedom guaranteed, you definitely know that a tertiary institution is no place for child’s play at all.

Key Differences between Tertiary Education and Other Levels of Education

  •         Primary/Elementary Education usually begins at the early stages of a child’s development years from around age five or six till the child enters into secondary school. It requires more control and supervision from teachers and guardians/parents due to the age range of the students (pupils). At the primary level, students are taught the basics of the sciences and Technology, Arts, which later form the foundation for secondary education learning.
  •         Secondary/High School Education in Nigeria marks the intermediate stage of learning for students that are between the ages of 9 and 17 on average. It’s in secondary school students are groomed based on their personal interests and academic prowess to pursue the career or academic path they show the most interest in. 
  •         Tertiary Education is a collective name used to refer to education obtained from Universities, Polytechnics, Monotechnics, and Colleges of Education. Here, you will find diverse kinds of people within different age groups. Learning tends to be more flexible compared to the other two categories and follows a strict process to ensure continuity. 

The Secret: What to Know?

The greatest secret your lecturer doesn’t want you to know is that you won’t learn everything you need to know for your degree in the four corners of the classroom. Yes, you read that right. 

The fact is, you may not learn so much especially when you develop a nonchalant attitude toward your academics. You will definitely get much more information about a subject you desire to understand more about when you go out of your way to research it personally.

Now what is the essence of the classroom and why should you attend lectures?

The classroom hasn’t lost its relevance yet. Even though it seems like students are finding new ways of learning and getting certified through mediums like opening learning systems, distance learning, online studies, and the like, there are still benefits of studying in the conventional classroom. 

Attending lectures can help you gain more information on a subject you’ve previously done your research on. At the same time, you could get real-life examples that can help you visualize and connect some dots together if you develop an interest in classes and pay more attention to your lecturer. The idea is to study well ahead of every class and you’ll do just fine.

The classroom also helps foster good relationships among people of diverse ecological and cultural backgrounds. It also helps to create a physical community or ecosystem for collaboration and interpersonal interaction amongst other benefits. 

If properly leveraged, the classroom can serve as a platform for small business owners to get customers and build their brand portfolio. You would never overemphasize the benefits of a conventional classroom environment to the students and society on micro and macro levels at any time.

How to Ace Your Exams in a Tertiary Institution

My first advice to students who ask this question is to clear their minds off every gimmick they may rely on to succeed by all means. Good grades are good and achievable if you put into practice proven study strategies based on what suits you best.

You have to be willing and committed to put in the work and embrace your journey into who you are becoming mentally and academically. Be patient with yourself while you explore new study habits, have a good life outside of academics, make yourself happy, feed well, and be sure to study your courses extensively outside of the general classroom.

We have carefully curated a detailed article on 5 must-know hacks to help you get better grades in your next semester. Check it out and share it with all your friends if you think it might assist. We love you at Trybe City; that’s why we encourage you to do your academics with Trybe!

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