NYSC – Top 9 Most Sought-After States by NYSC Corps

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in Nigeria is a one-year program that graduates of tertiary institutions must complete. During this program, corps members are deployed to various states in Nigeria for their primary assignments. 

The desirability of certain states for NYSC postings can vary based on a combination of factors, such as:

  • Economic opportunities: States with a strong economy and good job prospects are more attractive to corps members.
  • Quality of life: States with good infrastructure, healthcare, and education systems are also more popular.
  • Places of primary assignment (PPAs): Corps members are more likely to want to serve in states where they can get good PPAs in their field of study.
  • Social and cultural life: States with vibrant social and cultural scenes are also appealing to corps members.

It is important to note that this list is based on general trends and may vary from year to year. Additionally, there are many other factors that corps members may consider when choosing a state to serve in, such as proximity to family and friends, or personal preferences.


9. Cross River State

Cross River State, with its capital in Calabar, is a favorite place for NYSC members in Nigeria. It’s famous for its amazing tourism potential, making it a top pick for many corps members who want a unique and exciting NYSC experience.

Calabar is often called the “Tourism Hub” of Nigeria because it has beautiful natural sights like beaches and a rich cultural history. NYSC members can get involved in the tourism industry here, working in hotels, planning events, or guiding tours, which helps them gain valuable experience.

Cross River State hosts many festivals, including the famous Calabar Carnival which attracts people from all over the world. Taking part in these events allows NYSC members to experience the lively local culture and traditions.

The state’s lush rainforests, wildlife reserves, and beautiful landscapes offer opportunities to connect with nature and explore eco-tourism. The friendly local communities add to the overall experience.

8. Edo State

Edo State, with its capital in Benin City, is a place where NYSC members can find job opportunities and discover Nigerian history and culture. Many corps members choose Edo State to explore their careers and dive into the local heritage.

Benin City is known for its historical importance as the center of the ancient Benin Kingdom. There are lots of museums, art galleries, and historical sites to explore, allowing NYSC members to learn about the rich history of the region.

In addition to its cultural wealth, Edo State offers job prospects in areas like education, healthcare, business, and government. The state’s growing economy provides opportunities for NYSC members to gain work experience and contribute to their chosen fields.

Edo State is known for being friendly and welcoming. It has a variety of entertainment options and a lively social scene, making sure NYSC members have a well-rounded and rewarding experience.

7. Enugu State

Enugu State in southeastern Nigeria is a great place for NYSC members. The capital, Enugu, is famous for its calm and peaceful vibes, and it’s known as the “Coal City” because of its history in coal mining.

The peaceful environment in Enugu is perfect for NYSC members who want a quiet place to spend their service year. The clean air, green surroundings, and relaxed lifestyle make it a stress-free place for personal and professional growth.

Enugu State also offers lots of job opportunities, especially in areas like education, healthcare, and government. There are universities, hospitals, and government offices where NYSC members can work and gain valuable experience.

The state is rich in culture, and it’s close to natural attractions like the Ngwo Pine Forest and Awhum Waterfall, which NYSC members can explore

6. Oyo State

Oyo State, with its capital in Ibadan, offers a mix of city and countryside experiences that many NYSC members find interesting. This state is known for its history, diverse culture, and various opportunities.

Ibadan, the largest city in Nigeria founded by indigenous people, has both modern city life and a touch of tradition. NYSC members here can enjoy the bustling city while also being close to rural areas, giving them a balanced NYSC experience.

Oyo State has a lot of educational institutions, including universities and colleges. This makes it a good place for NYSC members who want to work in teaching, research, or related fields.

The state also has cultural festivals, historical places like the Old Oyo National Park, and a lively social scene in Ibadan. So, if you want a diverse NYSC experience that includes city life and rural charm, Oyo State is an exciting choice.

5. Anambra State

Anambra State in southeastern Nigeria is a peaceful and business-friendly place that NYSC members often like. The calm atmosphere and business opportunities make it a preferred destination.

NYSC members appreciate the peaceful and safe feeling in Anambra State. This peaceful environment helps them focus on their work and explore the state’s unique features.

Anambra is known for being good for business, with a growing economy in trade, commerce, and entrepreneurship. The capital, Awka, and the commercial hub, Onitsha, are places where NYSC members can get involved in business-related activities.

In addition to business opportunities, Anambra has cultural festivals like the New Yam Festival. These events let NYSC members experience the rich culture of the state. Friendly locals and lots of entertainment options add to the overall NYSC experience.


4. Ogun State

Ogun State is a rapidly developing state with several industrial parks and other economic development projects. This makes it a popular state for NYSC corps members to serve in, as there are many opportunities for them to gain valuable work experience.

Here are some of the specific opportunities that corps members in Ogun State can take advantage of:

  • Industrial parks: Ogun State has several industrial parks, such as the MFM Industrial Estate, the OPIC Industrial Estate, and the Sagamu Free Trade Zone. These industrial parks are home to a variety of multinational companies and local businesses, which offer PPAs to corps members in a variety of fields.
  • Economic development projects: Ogun State is also home to several economic development projects, such as the Lekki Deep Seaport and the Olokola Free Trade Zone. These projects are expected to create a large number of jobs in the coming years, and corps members can gain valuable experience working on these projects.

In addition to these specific opportunities, corps members in Ogun State also have the opportunity to experience a rapidly developing state with a vibrant economy. They can also enjoy a good standard of living, with good infrastructure and a variety of recreational activities.

3. Akwa Ibom State

Akwa Ibom State is a top pick for many NYSC members in Nigeria. Its capital, Uyo, is known for its peace, which is a big contrast to the busy cities in the country. This peaceful environment makes Akwa Ibom a great place to spend your NYSC year.

What makes Akwa Ibom special is its growing hospitality and tourism industry. The state has beautiful places like beaches, forests, and waterfalls. It also hosts cultural events that give you a taste of the local traditions.

For NYSC members, Akwa Ibom offers lots of job chances in the hospitality and tourism sector. You can work in hotels, plan events, or be a tour guide. This industry has room for career growth, making it an appealing choice for those who want to kickstart their careers.

In a nutshell, Akwa Ibom State is a favorite for NYSC members because of its peaceful setting and exciting opportunities in the hospitality and tourism sector. It’s a place where you can enjoy a calm yet rewarding NYSC experience.

2. Abuja FCT


Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, is a popular state for NYSC corps members to serve in. It offers several advantages over other states, including:

  • Safety: Abuja is generally considered to be one of the safest cities in Nigeria. This is due to the presence of a strong security presence and a well-maintained infrastructure.
  • Comfort: Abuja has a good standard of living, with good roads, hospitals, and schools. Corps members can also enjoy a variety of recreational activities, such as visiting museums, parks, and restaurants.
  • PPAs: Abuja has several government and private sector organizations that offer good PPAs. This means that corps members are more likely to find PPAs that match their skills and interests.

In addition to these advantages, Abuja also has several other things to offer corps members. For example, it is a cosmopolitan city with people from all over Nigeria and the world. This means that corps members have the opportunity to meet new people and learn about different cultures. Abuja is also a relatively affordable city to live in, compared to other major cities in Nigeria.

1. Lagos State

Traffic in market street.
Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa

Lagos State is a very popular place for many young people who want to do their National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in Nigeria. It’s a lively and busy state and is known as the most important place for the country’s economy. That’s why a lot of NYSC members like to come here.

In Lagos, there are many different kinds of jobs available in many different industries. There are big companies, banks, new tech businesses, and lots of other successful businesses. This means that if you come to Lagos for NYSC, you can choose from many different job options to start your career and make important connections with professionals.

Not only that, Lagos is also a fun place to be. There are lots of different cultures here, and you can enjoy the city’s entertainment, like going to the beach, visiting busy markets, enjoying the nightlife, or exploring art galleries. Lagos offers a rich cultural experience for young graduates.

However, it’s worth knowing that Lagos can also be challenging. It’s a very busy place with high living costs and lots of traffic. But if you’re looking for job opportunities, a chance to experience different cultures, and to live a lively city life in Nigeria, Lagos State is usually a top choice for NYSC.


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