Workout Without Equipment

Do you want progress getting fit this year but already having difficulty with your fitness journey? Is time an issue? Unavailability of equipment? Or do you get bored or unmotivated after working out for a few days?


I know you can’t be at the gym by 6 am because you have a class to be at by 8. I know you’re too tired from having had lectures all day to go and hit the gym for that 7 pm session. It’s natural to think working out without equipment will prove ineffective. I was once sharing in that school of thought. It’s funny how I didn’t get to go to the gym or work out well enough in the first year when I started to crave getting fit just because I doubted working out without equipment. Yes, you made it to the gym the first five days of the year, and on the 6th day, you’re so unmotivated to go. I know how that feels. I mean, it’s almost like being asked to stay committed to stressing your own body without having second thoughts. What keeps us going is knowing that it will benefit us in all the right ways.


The HOME WORKOUT mobile apps. There’s quite a lot on the internet, most living up to their reputation. Some specifically collated super effective workout routines for women, while some collated just for men and some for both genders. These applications have guided a lot through their fitness journey by cutting the time down to as low as 5 minutes per day in some insanely effective and efficient sessions and at the same time making the workout routines completely equipment-free. The apps even remind you to work out as much as you want to. Once a day for five days a week? The app reminds you at just the times you want it to and motivates you.

I use ‘Home Workout.’ The one with the picture of a male in the position for a press-up. It has a Trainer kind of thing going with the way instructions to follow throughout the routines is spoken by a phantom trainer built into the app. I recommend this one for the guys and ‘workout for women: Fit at home‘ for the ladies, both developed by the same makers, LEAP FITNESS GROUP.
I started my fitness journey in 2020, smashing the weekly routine challenges. I started off trying to lose the weight that I gained in the first half of the lockdown, and yes! It worked so well. I moved on to start working on specific parts of my body like my abs, chest, and arms. It has different workout routines that focus on developing unique body parts like building abs, chest, legs, shoulders, and even the entire body. It has specific workout routines depending on your progress or how far you’ve gone in your workout journey. There are beginner, intermediate and advanced levels for most of the workout types available in the app. I’m currently an intermediate on most of them.

I’m driven by the desire to keep fit and build muscles although it was all about losing weight when I started. The app made me fall in love with working out that even after reaching my weight goal, I continued working out to keep my weight in check and build some body parts. Now I have done so many workout sessions and routines that it feels like I could be an instructor if you know what I mean. The compliments on my body are another level of motivation to keep at my workout sessions. The ladies! Oh! The ladies do love their men ripped you know? Rock-solid abs and arms strong enough to carry them or “sweep them off their feet.” You feel me? Those quick glances that they steal off me are a motivation from an even higher dimension.

My home workout app has helped me achieve many of my fitness goals without spending too much time working out or hitting a standard gym. It has also kept me motivated to keep working out just as much as I’d like. I know they’re capable of helping you in your journey to get fit too.

Related: 5 guaranteed ways to lose weight that won’t cost anything.