Ibadan is the city of great people, a city where peace and unity is the banner, city of rich heritage and interesting history. The home of Nigeria‘s first University, site of Nigeria first television station and the holder of Nigeria’s first skyscraper. Ibadan, capital of Oyo State, Nigeria, located on seven hills, one of the most populous cities in the country.

If you are looking forward to leaving wherever you are for staying in Ibadan or you are already living in Ibadan, but finding it hard to survive, you are lucky to be reading this.
Aside the employability skills to survive, the likes of, communication skills, positive attitude skills, teamwork skills, self/ time management skills, resilience skills, problem solving skills, decision making skills and creativity skills, including specific skills you will only need for certain jobs which you also need to survive in other cities, you will need the following skills (survival skills) to survive in Ibadan most especially, even though they might look absurd. Get a chair and sit down to, read, understand, evaluate and form your own opinion on this.


This is majorly about public speaking skills. Whether you anticipate speaking publicly or with one or two persons, you should be able to control your tongue. In Ibadan, to survive you must be able to control your tongue, don’t just talk anyhow. Always say what is required of you to say, better put say what Ibadan people want to hear from you.


This is majorly about graphic design skills. To survive in Ibadan, you have to be free and comfortable with people and be sure of your graphics skills, although there are competitors in Ibadan. You need not fret, just be comfortable don’t feel oppressed. The hack is being contented and comfortable with whatever it is that you do.


To survive in Ibadan, it is advisable to keep good friends because your friends can either make you or mar you. Be vigilante when choosing your friends. Do not trust easily, so that you will not fall on the wrong hand.


To survive in Ibadan, you have to be stubborn, in a good way to be precise. You have to be dogged, because there are predators in Ibadan, willing to confuse you and make you take the fall. In Ibadan to survive, you have to be sure of want you want and do not let any one change your mind about it. For instance, you might be thinking of going into photography, if you are like let me ask for people’s opinion about how to go about things since I am new here, some might discourage you saying “that business doesn’t work well here”. Well, I saying this doesn’t mean that there are no good people in Ibadan. The point is being sure of whatever you want to do. Take the risk!


Why are you looking like that? Are you shocked or doubting? Yeah! To survive in Ibadan you need to be a little bit crazy. Someone once told me, “To be successful, you have to be a little bit crazy”. This is now directed to you, if you want to survive in Ibadan you have to be a little bit crazy, or else you will always be taken for granted. I am sorry to say this, but I just have to. To be candid you have to be smart, outspoken and crazy to deal with some people in Ibadan.


In whatever business you venture into, be it fashion designing, photography, catering, trade and so on, you have to be hardworking and be good at it. To survive in Ibadan, you being hardworking and being good at your work isn’t enough. In fact, be extraordinary with what you do. Give them something exceptional! Know that Ibadan is big, keep on striving to be the best.


To survive in Ibadan you must know how to mind you business, if not Ibadan people will teach you a lesson that you will never forget in your life time. I am not trying to scare you off, but being frank here. So my dear, let your motto be, “MIND YOUR BUSINESS”.


Here, to survive in Ibadan, all you have to do is to be patient. When you are patient you be able to understand how things are being done, navigate and survive unscathed in our Ibadan.
To survive in Ibadan you do not only need the employability skills and entrepreneurial skills alone you need more.

Survive Ibadan with my skills, or are you running off?