Before anything else, working towards living a healthy lifestyle should be paramount to fully carrying out your day to day to day activities.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle as a student can seem like a bit of a little extra work. Busy weeks attending classes, irregular schedules, tight budgets, late nights and food choices all push a stable health down the drain.
However, living healthily as a student might not be so difficult after all.
I will share some tips, for an easier approach below
1. Diets
Incorporating a proper and healthy diet is very important to make it out through the week. While most of the time early classes are painted on the timetable throughout the calendar of the session, students might miss breakfast which happens to be the most important. Shortcuts like cooking the night before class can work against missing breakfast or tight budgets, students should manage and bring forth rainbow foods if the regular can’t work out all the time. Yes! Rainbow foods, my term for fruits and vegetables, do come in varieties of colour and they are much healthier, that is a great way of avoiding fast foods and unhealthy snacks would be cut off. Hey! It will also save you some money.
2. Stay fit
Hustling through and being stuck with classes every week can weaken the motivation to get up to run a few lapses. Waking up pretty early to and late from classes takes all the time to make space to stay fit , even the weekends are busy. If it’s not tutorials, it’s a part-time job. When these schedules get muddled up, make a routine to go around it! If there’s a gym at your school, that’s a bonus. Do you happen to be one of those that take transport to and fro classes? Why don’t you walk or jog to your classes and get the sweats on!
3. Sleep
After the class and retiring to your hostel or home, you might find that you have a couple of assignments or a test coming up which might prompt you to stay up late and/or go for a night class. All these factors will disrupt your stable sleeping routine, and slowly your body will start to adjust to lack of,and inadequate sleep. The consequences might be insomnia when the body finds it hard to shut down after all the stressful days. Inserting a proper sleep routine will not only reduce stress levels but will also help the brain fix and consolidate memories which can boost learning. So you might wanna fix your schedules to allow for a healthy sleeping routine!
4. Manage the stress
Are you still glued to your smartphone when you are relieved of your schedules? You shouldn’t strain the eyes too when the body is hardly off the stress, keep your phone aside! If your stress level reaches its peak, the body might break down and be exposed to the risk of sickness and obesity due to an increase in cortisol, which is the hormone released when the body is stressed. If you want to unwind, I’d suggest taking a slow walk a few blocks. Is it the weekends? Go out with friends! Engaging in things that make you happy will help reduce the anxiety of stress and increase endorphins which is the happy hormones.
So if you want to make being a student easier, follow these tips above and live a completely healthy lifestyle!
Incase you missed it:
Weight loss: Dancing Out The Calories
Gratitude: The Secret to Effective Stress and Anxiety Management
- Five ways to destress after a long day.
Don’t forget, to have a healthy and balanced diet, keep fit, sleep and nip the stress levels in the bud!
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